Tundra Baird for City Council 2022


My last 11 years serving the citizens of Enderby sitting on council have been extremely rewarding. Knowing I can contribute to making positive changes, shaping our communities direction, as well as seeing the projects I have been championing completed, are my biggest drivers to have another 4 years in local govt.

 Growing up in Enderby, raising our daughters, alongside my husband, as well as having a local business, has truly kept me rooted in my vision for making Enderby an amazing community to live, work, and play in.

During my time on Enderby City Council, I have had the opportunity to sit on many boards, and truly learn how our region co-operates.  Currently, I am on The Regional Library Board, Okanagan Rail Trail Advisory Board,  Enderby and Area F Recreation Services,  Shuswap Watershed Council, and Enderby and District Museum. These are invaluable learning opportunities, and I feel I have lots of tools in my tool kit to continue to place Enderby at the forefront of decisions made locally and regionally.  

Enderby is a growing community and we need to plan accordingly. The new housing developments we have coming to our community are great and welcome, so we need to continue to plan for water and sewer treatment plant upgrades. Putting money into reserves for upgrades to our Arena and Curling Club is always front of mind. The pool will be another positive win for Enderby. It was a long process to ensure we were successful in getting the grant funding to build it, but we persevered and succeeded.

 I feel the relationships that we have fostered with Interior Health will result in a doctor for Enderby sooner than later. Hopefully, our work will ensure Enderby is recognized as needing a Whole Health Network, this would encompass Mental Health and Addictions as well.

  Splatsin, being our neighbor has been in many of these conversations as well, and we want to ensure that continues, as it benefits us all. This includes engaging with the Ministry of Highways to improve our traffic corridor, the safety factor of both our communities is at stake.

 I believe Council should be open and listen to the wants and needs of the community. I know we have heard the need for an additional ball diamond, as well as the appetite for more community events. With our new Event Coordinator position in place, I am excited to see events that showcase and enhance our community continues to develop. 

 I think our current staff, Mayor, and City Council have done an amazing job over the past term. COViD-19 challenged the City to constantly adapt to the changing rules and regulations, and balance our communities' needs with health guidelines. I want to thank and acknowledge our outgoing City Councillors, Brad Case and Raquel Knust who have chosen not to run in this election. They both brought so much knowledge, compassion, and strength to our City Council table, they truly are community champions and I hope to see them back at the table again one day.


Tundra Baird

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