Baird for a Better Enderby

After being on Enderby city council for the past three years I have a new appreciation for Enderby citizens and my peers on council. As well as the staff behind the scenes at city hall.  Prior to being elected, I had a vague idea of what it would take to make small changes happen in our city. Three years later, I realize the immense amount of time and effort that goes into making even one small change happen.  One small change for the better though is worth all that time and effort! 

A quick example- Bathrooms at Barnes park open May-October, not just when the pool is open. This was one of my concerns running for council 3 years ago. Seemed easy enough, first make the motion, have it seconded. All in favor? Good.  Direct staff to look into costs. City employee hours vs time locks? Vandalism opportunities vs public needs? Cleaning cost's? Additional water and sewer flow? Operating hours?

Then bring all the information back to the council to vote again, if bathrooms open at Barnes park are worth the cost?  If so, then proceed with implementing the operating plan to open Bathrooms May-October.  I'm happy to say the council was in favor of this happening. As you can see, a small change takes time, research and effort on all fronts.  That's why I love small town politics, you identify a problem and a solution can be found and implemented. You can be the solution!

Currently, I have been working on improving the river access behind the Chamber of Commerce. We are done the preliminary process and are awaiting the go-ahead from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Enderby's relationship with Splatsin has grown into a working partnership over the past three years.  I hope to continue working towards economic and social development with Splatsin.

We have some rather large issues that the city council has had to tackle in the past three years. Infrastructure deficits,  water and sewer demand, doctor shortage, decrepit buildings,  enticing business and tourism to our town.  The list really goes on, and on….. 

I believe though we have made great strides in the past three years on infrastructure, a plan for water (rates to be determined) and sewer. We have a new doctor in town, and decrepit buildings are coming down as we speak.  Enderby having the lowest development cost charges for commercial builders in the region speaks volumes as Enderby is open for business.  As well as open for fun!

A true testament to our wonderful city and it's citizens is the success of SOAR 2014. Thank-you letters are still being received at city hall from around the world. The Accordion Festival, Gold Panner Days, and various other events are now choosing to call Enderby their home base. These events are a huge boon to our local economy. Hopefully, we can attract many more environmentally friendly events. Cliff Crunch? Highland games? Canoe races……. the possibilities are endless. 

I'm always open to your concerns as citizens of Enderby, please contact me with concerns and possible solutions or just simply a great idea! Together we can all make Enderby a better place to live. or 250 838 0882